Well, we're dorsum from our trip to visit the family unit, and it's proficient to be dwelling. The visit never seems long enough, but it is definitely nice to be back in your own bed at night. I promise everyone had a great holiday, and wasn't too put out by the heat. (The radio said we had a 107 degree heat index here yesterday! YUCK)

Anyway, as I was fussing around with the web log this morning, (withal trying to fix the darn footer!) I realized that we haven't had a Tasty Tuesday since the motility. Shame on me, because that is ane of the easiest posts to put together! Luckily when I pointed this out to Ant, he told me he had actually taken the initiative to photo ane of his meals the other night just in case information technology ended up tasting every bit good every bit information technology looked. I'm not sure where my brain has been, merely I'g sure grateful that someone has been paying attention!

The funny thing is that even though he says that I made this, I don't really remember doing it. I must really need a nap, or a Pepsi! I do accept to hold with him though, as far equally my stir frys go, this ane does look proficient. I dug out the original recipe and saw that I fabricated quite a few changes, and so I'm going to share the tweaked version instead of the original which calls for things I don't usually have on manus. (ie, edible bean sprouts)

Orangish Chicken Stir Fry

  • one cup orange juice
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • ane teaspoon table salt
  • 3 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • iii tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves – cutting into 1 inch cubes
  • ane tablespoon cornstarch (mixed with 2 tablespoons of water)
  • Your choice steamed veggies (I used broccoli, red and green peppers, and green beans)

  1. In a modest basin combine the orange juice, soy sauce, table salt, garlic and brown saccharide. Stir to dissolve sugar.
  2. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium loftier heat. When oil begins to bubble, add chicken. Saute until cooked through (no longer pinkish inside), about 7 to x minutes.
  3. Add orange sauce mixture to chicken and cook until sauce begins to chimera.
  4. Add together cornstarch mix and simmer until sauce has thickened to your liking.
  5.  Serve over veggies and warm cooked rice.

Savor, And permit me know how this turns out if you requite it a try.
Maybe now I can become my weekly schedule back on runway and pull everything together!
Don't concur your breath though.

Thanks for Visiting!
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