The Mild Conflict That Typically Arises in Well-functioning Families
Front Psychiatry. 2021; 12: 744976.
The Association Betwixt Family Function and Adolescents' Depressive Symptoms in Cathay: A Longitudinal Cross-Lagged Analysis
Enna Wang
1School of Pedagogy, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China
Junjie Zhang
2Collaborative Innovation Heart of Assessment for Basic Education Quality, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
Siya Peng
3College of Psychology, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China
4Country Key Laboratory of Cerebral Neuroscience and Learning, International Data Group (IDG)/McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
Biao Zeng
iiCollaborative Innovation Eye of Assessment for Basic Teaching Quality, Beijing Normal Academy, Beijing, Prc
Received 2021 Jul 21; Accustomed 2021 Nov 26.
- Information Availability Statement
The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/supplementary material, further inquiries can exist directed to the respective author/southward.
The circuitous interrelationships betwixt family part and adolescents' depressive symptoms are not yet fully clarified, especially in People's republic of china. Based on the family systems theory, this study explored the relationships between family function and Chinese adolescents' depressive symptoms by a three-year longitudinal study design. Three waves of data were collected from 1,301 Chinese middle school students in Grade 7 to Grade nine. All participants completed the Chinese Family Cess Instrument (CFAI) and the Eye for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) one time a year during the inferior middle schoolhouse period. Our results showed that both family function and boyish depressive symptoms were stable in Course vii and Grade 8, just in Grade nine, family office increased and depressive symptoms declined. Furthermore, we found that the family unit role in Course 7 negatively influenced depressive symptoms of adolescents in Grade eight, while boyish depressive symptoms in Grade 8 negatively impacted subsequent family function in Grade nine, namely in that location was a circular effect between family office and adolescent depressive symptoms. These findings propose that the associations betwixt family unit function and adolescents' depressive symptoms are dynamic and time-dependent. Our study contributes to the intervention aimed at the reduction of adolescent depressive symptoms from the family perspective.
Keywords: adolescents, family function, depressive symptom, cross-lagged analysis, circular consequence
Depression has become an alarming wellness outcome among adolescents, with typical symptoms such as feelings of sadness, decreased interest, and suicidal thoughts (1, 2). In China, previous reports from the National Health Commission (3) pointed that, ~30 million teenagers exhibited varied degrees of emotional disorders, with depressive symptoms the about common. A contempo written report showed that the prevalence rates of depressive symptoms among early on adolescents are rising quickly, up to an amazing incidence rate of 24.3% (4). As a prevalent psychological disorder, adolescent depression was significantly associated with a series of impairments in cerebral, psychological and social functioning, such as bookish failure (v), interpersonal problems (six), and even cocky-injury and suicide (7, viii). Evidence from the Scar Hypothesis of depression had also causeless that depressive symptoms had a long-lasting deleterious issue on adolescents' cocky-concept and personality, leaving a "scar" on an private's self-esteem (nine–11). Furthermore, going through low during early on boyhood could even upshot in an increased risk of other wellness bug in adulthood (12–14).
Given these negative effects of adolescent low, substantial researches have addressed which factors are implicated in the deterioration of depressive symptoms. Existing evidence suggests that both private and environmental characteristics have made their contributions to adolescents' depressive symptoms (fifteen, xvi). Among these factors, the family unit function has fatigued substantial attention due to its vitally important role in adolescent development (17–19). Notwithstanding, previous studies focused more on the unidirectional outcome of family role on adolescents' depressive symptoms (16, xx), giving less consideration to the potential negative effect of boyish depressive symptoms on the whole family system and the potential bidirectional relations betwixt them. Additionally, the majority of them adopted cross-sectional data (21, 22), or short-term longitudinal information (23), from which the dynamic interaction between family functioning and adolescent depressive symptoms could not exist well-demonstrated. Therefore, it is particularly necessary to conduct a longitudinal study to clarify the possible dynamic association between family role and adolescent depressive symptoms, peculiarly in the Chinese context, where people accept the family of great importance.
The family unit office generally indicates the quality of family life involving a family's competence, wellness, also equally strengths and weaknesses (24). Taking the family unit system as a whole, this concept is to a higher place and beyond both the dual parent-child relationship and the binary bridal relationship (25). Family office encompasses 3 core dimensions: mutuality, communication, and harmony (26), which accept been extensively employed in the related studies of the family domain (27, 28). A large body of studies has revealed that family office plays a critical role in an individual's healthy development. For example, one prospective study showed that harmonious family relationships and good parent-child communication could significantly promote positive developmental attributes (28), which is expected to be benign for the academic achievement of adolescents (29). On the contrary, teenagers who live in an impaired family are more likely to feel internalizing problems such as depression, anxiety, and withdrawal (30), and show externalizing problems such as hating, ambitious and disobedient behaviors (31).
To date, numerous studies have been conducted to investigate the relationship between family function and adolescent depressive symptoms, in which scholars found that these 2 factors were negatively correlated (32, 33). Every bit for the direction of the association between them, the bulk of extant studies supported the family-driven upshot (family office influences boyish depressive symptoms), in which researchers regard family office every bit an important predictor of adolescent depressive symptoms. For example, some scholars found that adolescents living in highly dysfunctional families were decumbent to accept negative self-noesis, which was a key trigger to the emergence of depressive symptoms in adolescents (34, 35). Like results were constitute amid teenagers in Red china (36, 37). A contempo Chinese written report, using a sample of xi,865 adolescents, has as well found that impaired family function might increment the chance of adolescent internalizing problems like depression, and researchers further indicate out that the influence of family function on adolescent depression was partly mediated by positive youth development attributes (28). With the awareness of the dynamic evolution of adolescent depressive symptoms, some scholars began to pay attention to the longitudinal influence of family unit factors (e.g., family relationships, family social support, and family unit performance) on depressive symptoms (38, 39). For example, one current inquiry establish that poor family performance at baseline could significantly predict depressive symptoms of junior high school students 1 year later (16). Nonetheless, the above studies take the mutual point of treating family function as a static antecedent variable, failing to address the potential reverse influence from the adolescent depressive symptoms to the whole family unit.
According to the family systems theory (40, 41), the plight of the family systems could induce the occurrence of individual psychological problems, individual mental health problems might as well put the family at hazard, resulting in poorer advice, worse cohesion, and more conflicts and arguments (23). Thus, apart from the family-driven effect, at that place might exist nevertheless two possible effects: the kid-driven event (adolescent depressive symptoms influence family role), and the potential reciprocal effect (reciprocal influence of family function and adolescent depressive symptoms). Although early studies take demonstrated the destructive furnishings of private mental distress on the family, most of them used clinical samples. For example, a study using 424 depressed patients indicated that more than severe depressive symptoms were positively related to subsequent more family arguments for both men and women (42). In fact, for depressed adolescents, their emotional problems might likewise damage the family part. The "below" pressure hypothesis also provides some insight into this kid-driven effect (43). It assumes that adolescent maladjustment such equally depressive symptoms could serve as the "below" pressure, putting a huge strain on their parents. Thus, family conflict might be introduced (44), and the negative emotions would further spread through the whole family unit (45), hindering the family unit system from operation well. Withal, as far, empirical researches examining the child-driven upshot among the subclinical adolescent samples were relatively rare. From childhood to adolescence, early adolescents experienced great modify on cognitive, emotional, and social levels. During this special turning period, the development take chances of internalization or externalization of adolescents greatly increased (46, 47), which will undoubtedly put the whole family under force per unit area (48, 49). Peculiarly when adolescents experienced emotional problems, the part and satisfaction of the family were threatened (23, 50).
Theoretically, the relationship of family factors and individual emotional distress was likely bidirectional in nature. In fact, a handful of studies have supported the reciprocal result. For example, in a three-year longitudinal report that involved 451 early on adolescents and their families, researchers institute a reciprocally interrelated clan of marital conflict and adolescent depressive symptoms (51). Also, other scholars likewise establish a significant cantankerous-lagged relationship betwixt parent-child hostility and adolescent depression for mother and daughter (52). Nevertheless, those studies were mainly conducted in particular dyadic or family subsystems. Empirical bear witness on the reciprocal linkage between family office (on the whole family system level) and adolescent depressive symptoms is bereft and inconsistent. Based on both Victoria and Washington samples in America, Kelly et al. (fifty) found that family conflict and boyish depressed mood were bidirectionally linked over time, which was contained of the factors exterior the family, such equally schoolhouse bullying or bookish performance. Whereas, in a more contempo study, Mastrotheodoros et al. (23) fail to certify the reciprocal model, with results in the cross-lagged panel models showing a unidirectional association from internalized trouble to family unit functioning at the 6-month time interval. Since these studies were carried out based on the context of Western culture, we still know little about the cause or effects of family office on Chinese teenagers' depressive symptoms. As a country emphasizing collectivism, Chinese youth are securely influenced by family unit (53). The role of the family in the development of adolescents is particularly prominent, and different from that of western civilisation in many respects (54, 55). Therefore, it is certainly worthy to reveal the longitudinal human relationship between family unit function and Chinese adolescent depressive symptoms in a relatively long period of time.
Guided by the family unit arrangement theory, the present study adopts a iii-yr longitudinal tracking blueprint, attempting to investigate the possible longitudinal associations between family office and adolescent depressive symptoms in the context of Chinese culture. The current study is anticipated to offering some implications for the intervention to interrupt the progression of adolescents' depressive symptoms, likewise as the improvement of their family function. The hypotheses of this report are as follows: (i) family function and depressive symptoms would modify during the three inferior loftier school years; (ii) family role significantly affect boyish depressive symptoms; (iii) adolescent depressive symptoms significantly influence family function; (iv) family unit function and adolescent depressive symptoms might have a reciprocal relationship.
Materials and Methods
Data for the electric current study were based on three measurement waves, which were collected in October 2016 (T1; when adolescents just entered into junior schoolhouse), ane year later (T2; when adolescents had spent i year in inferior school) and two years later (T3; when adolescents were in junior grade three). Nosotros conducted surveys in v middle schools from 9 districts in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China past random selection. At the first wave, 1,544 adolescents with a mean age of 12.46 years former (SD = 0.63) participated in the initial study. At the subsequent waves, the sample sizes of participates were 1,511 for T2, and 1,480 for T3, respectively. Non-response at T2 and T3 was mainly for the reason that these students were absent during the survey days or they had moved to other schools. Therefore, our terminal analytical sample included a total of 1,301 students who completed all the items of ii main report variables at three measurement waves.
Adolescents were invited to attend a paper-and-pencil test in classroom settings during regular schoolhouse hours. Before each measurement, research administration introduced the aim of the report, the procedures of the test, also as the confidentiality safeguards. After receiving this information, students decided to participate in or withdraw from the study. If they agreed upon participation, adolescents and their parents should provide informed consent. At all measurements, written informed consent was obtained. The research assistants were present during the xx-min examination to supervise the whole data collection, and answer students' questions about the examination at every wave of surveys. No bounty was offered to the participants. Both the Human Inquiry Ethics Committee of the affiliated establishment and the administrative committees of the surveyed schools approved the questionnaires and procedures.
Chinese Family unit Assessment Instrument
The refined version of the Chinese Family Assessment Instrument was used to measure adolescents' family unit role (26). This scale contains 9 items, with each of the three items measuring mutuality, advice, harmony and conflicts, respectively. A sample item for mutuality sub-scale is "My family unit lives in harmony," for communication sub-scale is "In full general, parents and children often have conversations," and for harmony and conflicts sub-scale is "Nosotros have a lot of friction." Participants were instructed to rate each particular from one ("very dissimilar") to 5 ("very like"). Later on reversing the conflict sub-scale scores, the ways of the nine items were computed, with a higher score representing a healthier family function. In this study, the Cronbach'due south alpha coefficient of the CFAI was 0.86 at Time 1, 0.85 at Fourth dimension 2, and 0.89 at Time 3.
Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale
Boyish depressive symptoms were assessed using the Chinese version of the Heart for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (56, 57). Information technology consists of 20 items, with a Likert rating scale from 0 to three, representing "rarely or none of the time," "sometimes [1–two days]," "often [3–4 days]," "nigh or all of the time [5–seven days]," respectively. An example is "I was bothered past things that ordinarily don't bother me." Participants make choices on each statement to assess the frequency they had experienced these depressive symptoms in the last calendar week. Participants who scored college in the CES-D were considered to have a higher level of depressive symptoms. In the current written report, the Cronbach's alpha coefficients for the CES-D at Time 1, Time two, and Fourth dimension three were 0.85, 0.85, and 0.88, respectively.
Demographic Variable
Adolescents' demographic information were measured by a questionnaire including the adolescents' gender (i = boy and 2 = girl), age, identify of nativity (ane = rural area, 2 = Shenzhen, and 3 = other cities), only child or not (1 = only-child, ii = non-only child), parents' education level (i = middle school or below, 2 = high school or vocational college, 3 = university, and iv = above university), and per capita monthly family income (CNY) (1 = <1,000, 2 = 1,000~ane,999, 3 = 2,000~2,999, 4 = three,000~3,999, five = 4,000~4,999, half-dozen = five,000~5,999, 7 = vi,000 or above). Table one summarizes the demographic characteristics of participants.
Table 1
Demographic characteristics of participants.
n (%)/ mean (SD) | ||
Age (years) | 12.46 | 0.63 |
Sex | ||
Male | 666 | 51.nineteen% |
Female person | 621 | 47.73% |
Missing | fourteen | 1.08% |
Only child | ||
Yes | 499 | 38.36% |
No | 799 | 61.41% |
Missing | 3 | 0.23% |
Place of nativity | ||
City | 1,141 | 87.70% |
Rural | 158 | 12.14% |
Missing | two | 0.15% |
Father's teaching level | ||
Junior school and beneath | 404 | 31.05% |
Senior school | 451 | 34.67% |
Bachelor's degree | 226 | 17.37% |
To a higher place a bachelor'due south degree | 120 | 9.22% |
Missing | 100 | vii.69% |
Mother's education level | ||
Junior school and below | 492 | 37.82% |
Senior school | 427 | 32.82% |
Available's caste | 217 | sixteen.68% |
Above a bachelor'southward degree | 74 | five.69% |
Missing | 91 | six.99% |
Per capita monthly family income (CNY) | ||
<1,000 | 27 | 2.08% |
one,000~1,999 | 81 | six.23% |
2,000~2,999 | 135 | x.38% |
3,000~3,999 | 169 | 12.09% |
4,000~four,999 | 121 | ix.thirty% |
v,000~5,999 | 127 | 9.76% |
vi,000 or above | 439 | 33.74% |
Missing | 202 | 15.53% |
Information Analysis
As usual, we input all data into the SPSS25.0. So, the means and standard deviations of the two main study variables were computed, and one-way repeated measures ANOVA was applied to examine the changes in family unit function and depressive symptoms across the 3-time points. We likewise calculated correlations betwixt family office and depressive symptoms. Next, since the electric current study adopted a repeated-measure pattern, measurement invariance testing was conducted to examine if the constructs of family function and depressive symptoms kept invariant over 3 years. Afterwards doing this, we performed an automobile-regressive cross-lagged (ARCL) model to check the effects of family unit role and adolescent depressive symptoms in Mplus viii.iii. ARCL analyses independent both cantankerous-lagged effects and autoregressive effects. It allowed united states of america to examine the potential influence of one construct (eastward.g., family role) on some other (e.g., depressive symptoms) at a subsequently time point (cross-lagged effects), decision-making for the regression of both constructs on themselves assessed at the previous time points (auto-regressive furnishings). In ARCL analysis, demographic variables were taken every bit covariates. Due to the non-response on several demographic variables for some adolescents, the full data maximum likelihood (Motion picture) estimation for unbiased estimates was used to handle the missing demographic data (58).
To examine the goodness of model fit, a series of criteria were estimated, including chi-squared index, comparative fit index (CFI), Tucker-Lewis index (TLI), root hateful square fault of approximation (RMSEA) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI), and standardized root mean square residual (SRMR). We considered the model fit acceptable if 1) normed chi-square (χ2/df) was <5; 2) the values of CFI and TLI were more than than 0.ninety; iii) the values of RMSEA and SRMR were < 0.08 (59). Additionally, considering that family office and depressive symptoms were self-reported past the adolescents themselves, in that location might be common method biases in the present report. Thus, we conducted Harman'southward single-factor examination to examine the possible common method variance (60).
Testing of Common Method Variance
The Harman's single-factor analysis was for the test of the common method variance outcome. The results showed that vi, 5, and 5 factors had eigenvalues >i for the iii time-point assessments, and that the rates of the starting time factors accounting for the corporeality of variation were all below 40% (25.36, 24.87, 32.46%, respectively). These results indicated that the mutual method biases could be ignored in this study.
The Development Tendency of Family Function and Adolescent Depressive Symptoms Over 3 Years
Ane-way repeated measures ANOVA was used for the difference of family function and adolescent depressive symptoms amidst the 3 measurement times, respectively (meet Table 2). For family function, a meaning time effect was observed, F (1.93, 2510.36) = 14.47, p < 0.001. Pairwise comparisons indicated that the difference of family role scores was non significant betwixt T1 and T2 (p > 0.05), but the scores of family function at T3 were significantly college than T1 (p < 0.001) and T2 (p < 0.001). For boyish depressive symptoms, a pregnant effect of time was observed, F (i.94, 2525.51) = 12.53, p < 0.001. Further analyses showed that the divergence of adolescent depressive symptoms scores was not significant between T1 and T2 (p > 0.05), while the scores of boyish depressive symptoms at T3 were significantly lower than T1 (p < 0.001) and T2 (p < 0.001).
Table two
Descriptive statistics for family unit office and depressive symptoms.
Time | Family function | Depressive symptoms | ||
1000 | SD | M | SD | |
T1 | 4.07 | 0.77 | 13.66 | 9.15 |
T2 | iv.04 | 0.79 | 13.76 | ix.33 |
T3 | 4.17 | 0.77 | 12.forty | 9.31 |
T1, Time 1 (first yr); T2, Time 2 (second year); T3, Time 3 (third twelvemonth).
Analysis of Correlation Between Family Office and Adolescent Depressive Symptoms
Table 3 showed the correlation coefficient betwixt family part and boyish depressive symptoms in the three surveys. The results revealed that family function significantly negatively correlated with adolescent depressive symptoms both synchronously and longitudinally. The synchronous correlation coefficient ranged from −0.thirty to −0.47, and the longitudinal correlation coefficient ranged from −0.13 to −0.30. The preliminary findings suggested that the adolescent depressive symptoms ascend as the family unit function declined, and vice versa. Additionally, adolescent depressive symptoms were positively associated with each other during iii years, with the correlation coefficient ranged from 0.25 and 0.42. Meanwhile, family functions were positively to each other over the 3 years, with the correlation coefficient ranged from 0.26 to 0.43.
Tabular array three
Correlations of family role with adolescent depressive symptoms.
Variables | T1 FF | T2 FF | T3 FF | T1 Dep | T2 Dep | T3 Dep |
T1 FF | 1 | |||||
T2 FF | 0.26** | 1 | ||||
T3 FF | 0.43** | 0.24** | one | |||
T1 Dep | −0.37** | −0.thirteen** | −0.thirty** | i | ||
T2 Dep | −0.19** | −** | −0.xvi** | 0.25** | one | |
T3 Dep | −0.29** | −0.thirteen** | −0.47** | 0.42** | 0.25** | 1 |
Measurement Invariance of Family unit Function and Depressive Symptoms
Measurement invariance of the two main study variables at iii-fourth dimension points was examined. The configural invariance model (M0), gene loading invariance model (M1) and residual invariance model (M2) of family unit function and depressive symptoms were established, respectively. For family part and depressive symptoms, the plumbing equipment indexes of each model were all met the criteria (run across Table iv). On the advice of Cheung and Rensvold (61), compared with chi-square values, ΔCFI was a more stable indicator for model comparison since information technology is less influenced past model parameters and sample size. Therefore, this study used the Δ CFI alphabetize for model comparison. If Δ CFI is >0.01, we declined to the hypothesis of measurement invariance (61). In this report, model comparison results suggested that both family function and depressive symptoms showed measurement invariance beyond three-time points (Δ CFI < 0.01). Thus, the cross-lagged analysis could be carried out in the next step.
Tabular array four
Model plumbing equipment results of measurement invariance for family role and depressive symptoms.
χ2 | df | p | CFI | TLI | RMSEA (90% CI) | SRMR | ΔCFI | |
FF | ||||||||
M0 | 36.388 | 15 | <0.001 | 0.995 | 0.989 | 0.033 (0.019, 0.047) | 0.027 | |
M1 | 65.291 | 19 | <0.001 | 0.990 | 0.981 | 0.043 (0.032, 0.055) | 0.046 | 0.005 |
M2 | 69.999 | 23 | <0.001 | 0.990 | 0.984 | 0.040 (0.029, 0.050) | 0.046 | 0.000 |
Dep | ||||||||
M0 | 81.748 | 39 | <0.001 | 0.993 | 0.988 | 0.029 (0.020, 0.038) | 0.029 | |
M1 | 98.411 | 45 | <0.001 | 0.991 | 0.987 | 0.030 (0.022, 0.038) | 0.032 | 0.002 |
M2 | 153.583 | 51 | <0.001 | 0.984 | 0.979 | 0.039 (0.032, 0.047) | 0.034 | 0.007 |
FF, Family Part; Dep, Depressive symptoms; M0, configural invariance model; M1, factor loading invariance model; M2, residual invariance model.
Autoregressive Cross-Lagged Analysis of Family Role and Adolescent Depressive Symptoms
Showtime, adopting the unique information method (62), we packaged family unit functions into 3 observed items (mutual human relationship, advice and adaptation, conflict and harmony), and depressive symptoms into four observed items (depression, positive emotion, somatic symptoms, and interpersonal problems). Then, nosotros employed structural equation modeling (SEM) with latent variables to clarify the cross-lagged relationship betwixt family unit role and boyish depressive symptoms. Since previous studies accept shown that demographic variables such as gender, age, place of birth, only kid or not, parents' education level, and per capita monthly family income were highly correlated with family unit function and adolescent depressive symptoms (xvi, 63, 64). In this study, those variables were put in the model as control variables, thus we could exclude the potential influence on them. In the autoregressive cross-lagged model, we as well allowed the synchronous correlations among the two latent variables, and the error correlation of the same observed variables at the three measurements. The model fitted data well: χ2/df = iv.07, p < 0.001, CFI = 0.93, TLI = 0.91, RMSEA = 0.05 (xc% CI = [0.046, 0.052]), SRMR = 0.08. Figure 1 showed the standardized path coefficients. To simplify the model, the predictive pathways of the command variables for the family function and adolescent depressive symptoms at the 3-time points are not shown in Effigy 1.

The ARCL model of family function and adolescent depressive symptoms. T1, Time 1 (first year); T2, Time 2 (2d year); T3, Time iii (third year); FF, Family Function; Dep, Depressive symptoms. Solid line = significant coefficient; Dotted line = not-significant coefficient. All coefficients were standardized. Control variable was not exhibited in the figure for the simplicity of the model. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.
The results suggested that gender (β = 0.06, p < 0.05), male parent'south education level (β = 0.11, p < 0.05), and per capita monthly family unit income (β = 0.08, p < 0.05) had a significant predictive effect on T1 family office. The predictive coefficient of gender for T1 and T3 boyish depressive symptoms was significant (β = 0.08, p < 0.05; β = 0.15, p < 0.001, respectively). Father's education level had a pregnant predictive consequence on T2 adolescent depressive symptoms (β = −0.09, p < 0.05), and but child or not also had a significant predictive event on T3 adolescent depressive symptoms (β = −0.08, p < 0.01). After decision-making for the influence of demographic variables, the autoregressive path coefficients of family function were 0.29 and 0.25, respectively; and the autoregressive path coefficients of adolescent depressive symptoms were 0.24 and 0.23, respectively. These results indicated relatively strong autoregressive effects for both family part and adolescent depressive symptoms over three years. As for the cross-lagged effects, family role at T1 significantly and negatively predicted boyish depressive symptoms at T2 (β = −0.09, p < 0.01), and adolescent depressive symptoms at T2 significantly and negatively predicted family role at T3 (β = −0.07, p < 0.05). However, the prediction of adolescent depressive symptoms at T1 on family function at T2 was not significant, and the prediction of family office at T2 on adolescent depressive symptoms at T3 was besides not significant.
From the perspective of family system theory, the current report adopted 3 waves of longitudinal data with a 3-twelvemonth time lag to examine the human relationship between family unit function and depressive symptoms among Chinese middle schoolhouse-anile adolescents. Our study plant that both family unit role and depressive symptoms in adolescents were stable in Grade 7 and Grade viii. However, in Course 9, at that place was a significant increase in family role, but a significant decline for adolescent depressive symptoms. The results of the cross-lagged analysis reveal that the associations between family function and adolescent depressive symptoms are dynamic and time-dependent: the family function in Grade vii negatively influences depressive symptoms of adolescents in Course 8, after being afflicted, adolescent depressive symptoms in Form 8 could also negatively bear upon subsequent family role in Grade nine. In other words, there is a circular event between family function and boyish depressive symptoms.
In our study, we institute a slight subtract in family unit function and a subtle increment in adolescent depressive symptoms between Grade seven and Grade 8, but neither of them was significant. However, compared to the first 2 years, there were significant changes in family function and boyish depressive symptoms in Grade 9. In the last year of junior high school, boyish depressive symptoms significantly declined and their family functioning significantly increased. These findings supported our hypothesis (i). Our results were not consistent with previous studies based on western samples (23, 50), merely they were in line with recent researches conducted in China (65, 66). For example, Lord's day et al. (65) followed 1,419 Chinese junior loftier school students from thirteen junior middle schools in Beijing for 3 years and plant that depressive symptoms in junior loftier school students was relatively stable from the start to the 2d year simply declined significantly in the third year. Another study, using Chinese rural junior middle school students, also constitute that family functioning was significantly higher in the third year than in the first and 2d years (66). Our findings indicate that both family unit office and boyish depressive symptoms have their unique developmental characteristics in Communist china.
Regarding the modify of family function, possible explanations are that families have to accommodate to the children'southward transition from principal schoolhouse to secondary schoolhouse, and they as well demand to accommodate to students' growing needs for independence and autonomy (48). These may atomic number 82 to comparatively depression family functioning during Grade 7 to Form eight. At Grade 9, the preparation for senior high school entrance examination in China may enhance autonomy back up from parents, promote family harmony, and reduce conflict in the family, thereby making the entire family function more than properly. Several reasons for the development trend of adolescent depressive symptoms are equally follows. During Grade seven to Grade 8, students have to adapt to the new peers and new teachers likewise equally confront the challenges of cocky-development tasks like self-identity confusion (67), so the depressive symptoms are relatively high. After entering Grade ix, apart from the special attention on entrance examination that makes adolescents regulate their mood to concentrate on learning, the matures of concrete and mental evolution may as well contribute to the natural decrease of balmy or moderate depressive symptoms in adolescents (68). In addition, our study also showed that family role was significantly and negatively associated with adolescents' depressive symptoms at the aforementioned measuring indicate during three school years. The significantly negative correlation between them also suggests that the ii variables share many common changes and have a close linkage.
The results of cantankerous-lagged analysis showed that the impaired family role significantly predicted adolescent depressive symptoms from Class 7 to Class 8, which supports our hypothesis (2). This issue is consequent with virtually previous studies showing that family dysfunction, including more than family unit disharmonize, lower levels of interactions with parents, and poor family relationships, is a risk factor for adolescents' internalizing problems (28, 37, 69). Early adolescence is a susceptible menses for individuals to develop anxiety, depression, and other psychological bug (70). Adolescents who living in an unhealthy family have to cope with various negative life events, which would trigger a serial of stress that negatively influencing their cognitive style, leading them slide into low (71). Meanwhile, a poor family function is too a take chances factor that hampers the development of positive psychological resources (e.thou., resilience, cognitive ability, emotional regulation ability) in adolescents (28). These resources are considered every bit strengths to help adolescents overcome agin situations and stay away from depression (72, 73). Furthermore, emotional security theory also contends that family unit instability and interparental conflict could induce the emotional insecurity of children in the family, lead to boosted fear, vigilance and distress, and further contribute to a greater likelihood of emotional problems, including depressive symptoms (74, 75).
Interestingly, our study found no significant effect of family unit function at Form 8 on adolescent depression at Course 9. We speculate that, in early middle school years, family functioning may have a strong effect on adolescent internalizing problems. As adolescents go mature, its influence on adolescents might gradually diminish due to the growing demand for autonomy and independence, also as the increasing importance of peer relation (76, 77). Furthermore, in the electric current report, we discovered the opposite management of predictive effect from adolescent depressive symptoms to family function, supporting our hypothesis (iii). The late appearance of the child effect is in understanding with several longitudinal studies showing that adolescents play a stronger part in the evolution of their families as children grow older (77). For instance, Georgiou and Fanti (78) constitute that the relationship between kid's behavior issues and mother-child conflict was bidirectional at early ages. Just, as time passed by, "child effects" become stronger compared to "parent effects." Ii possible explanations might help u.s. understand the emergence of the child outcome. On one hand, in contrast to "upper" pressure from the social environment, boyish depressive symptoms, as a source of "below" pressure from children's behavior problems, may elicit more intrusive parenting and produce more parenting stress (79, eighty). Thus, adolescent depressive symptoms would influence the parent-child relationship and even damaging the communication among family members (48, 49), making the whole family system get into dysfunctional states (48, 49). On the other mitt, emotional problems (such as anxiety, depression, etc.) are hands contagious among households' members (45), which may modify the whole atmosphere of the family unit and reduce the cohesion and adaptability of the family. Therefore, during the later middle school years, when the influence of adolescent depressive symptoms on the family has accumulated to a certain caste after a period of time, adolescent depressive symptoms plow to "erode" and "damage" family role.
Although the cross-lagged analysis results bespeak that both family office and adolescent low can serve every bit a cause and a result, the management of associations betwixt family role and boyish depression depend on fourth dimension. That is to say, during the early on center school year, adolescents are easier to get depressed because of impaired family role. But in the subsequently middle school year, adolescents who experienced more depression are more than likely to get a decline in their family function. Thus, the results suggest that there is an unexpected circular effect rather than the hypothetical reciprocal effects, thus hypothesis (4) is not verified. Our findings are non in line with the earlier enquiry finding bidirectional effects between family disharmonize and adolescent depressive mood (fifty), equally well as the previous enquiry of western adolescents that just discovered a significant outcome of babyhood beliefs bug on family functioning, but not vice versa (23). Our study has unfolded a more comprehensive moving-picture show of the dynamic reciprocity between family part and boyish depressive symptoms, consistent with developmental contextualism emphasizing the interaction between organism and context on development (81). Differences, such as the interval of tracking (i.e., 6 vs. 12 months) and considered covariates (i.e., exclude vs. include of transition) may offer explanations for these inconsistencies between our results and those studies conducted on western culture (23, 50). Of notation, in the current study, we found pregnant predictive furnishings of family function on boyish depressive symptoms from Grade 7 to Grade viii, besides as boyish depressive symptoms on family role from Form 8 to Grade ix, both with relatively pocket-size coefficients (−0.09 and −0.07). Indeed, in longitudinal studies, since the medium predictive furnishings of a predictor on the event are profoundly adulterate by the strong stability in the outcome, it is not at all surprising that even the small effect sizes were not trivial, but all the same meaningful after decision-making for the stability effects (82).
Several limitations should exist cautiously taken into consideration in this written report. Offset, the results of this written report relied on adolescent self-report. This may result in biased outcomes, considering that depressed mood could bear upon adolescents' perceptions of family disharmonize and common relationships (83). Time to come studies may have other assessment methods such as observer-rating (due east.g., McMaster Clinical Rating Scale) to provide a more objective agreement of family functioning (84). Second, our study only tracked three waves from Class seven to Grade 9, thus we may not capture the school transition, such as from primary school to middle schoolhouse or from middle schoolhouse to high schoolhouse, during which great modify occurs both for adolescents and the family (85, 86). Future research is necessary to explore the relationship patterns between family function and boyish depressive symptoms using more data waves including the disquisitional school transition period. Third, the present study has only examined the dynamic coaction between family function and boyish depressive symptoms. In futurity studies, it is worthwhile to see if these associations would modify due to some socio-demographic factors such as gender (girl vs. boy) or socioeconomic status (economic advantage vs. economical disadvantage). Positive traits of individuals (due east.grand., resilience) or contextual variables (due east.thou., peer back up) also need to be examined to identify possible buffers between family functioning and adolescent depressive symptoms. Final merely not the least, our results were based on a sample of middle school students in Red china belonging to a collectivistic culture, which may show the influence of cultural differences (54). More data are needed from other cultures to verify the cultural uniqueness of the development trend of family operation and adolescent depressive symptoms and the interrelationships between them. Additionally, we also demand to notice that the motorcar-regressive cross-lagged models introduce an inherent problem of between- and inside-person associations not being disaggregated, which would influence the interpretability of our results.
Despite these limitations, our study contributes to the family-child relations literature by supporting an intertwined developmental relationship of family function and adolescent depressive symptoms. This research also provides an important addition of how such relationships could depend on time, which implying that researchers and practitioners should emphasize different points in different periods when it comes to practice. In the early middle school twelvemonth, considering the protective affect of family function on adolescent mental health, information technology is especially crucial that families should attempt their best to create an enabling and harmonious environment to prevent their children from mental disorders. While at the late phase of middle school, given the influence of adolescent depressive symptoms on the family organization, information technology is urgently demanded for parents and other family members to sympathise depression and its furnishings fully and deeply, thus avoiding excessive erosion of adolescent depressive mood on the whole family. Meanwhile, in view of the interrelated nature of family and adolescents, the office of schoolhouse and regime must not exist ignored. For those adolescents living in dysfunctional families, schools should try to reduce the harm caused by adverse family environments via a diverseness of methods. For instance, schools could educate teenagers on emotional regulation strategies, guide them to adjust negative self-cognition and self-evaluation, cultivate their positive traits. While the authorities should take supportive policies for healthy family office and promote family education to maximize these adolescents' welfare. For case, the authorities could encourage or implement the family unit-based prevention or intervention programs targeting both children and their families at risk, which may contribute to the virtuous circle between family unit and adolescents and produce long-final beneficial furnishings.
In decision, the present study found that both family role and depressive symptoms underwent a certain change during the three junior loftier school years. But the negative cross-sectional correlation between family role and adolescent depressive symptoms remained significant and stable across iii academic years. Moreover, during the early on middle schoolhouse year, poor family office significantly affected subsequent boyish depressive symptoms. While in the later middle school year, adolescent depressive symptoms significantly influenced subsequent family part. Given the intertwined nature of the family function and adolescent depressive symptoms, family-based intervention should be a promising method both for adolescents and their families.
Data Availability Statement
The original contributions presented in the report are included in the article/supplementary textile, further inquiries tin can be directed to the corresponding author/s.
Ethics Argument
The studies involving human participants were reviewed and approved by the Human Inquiry Ethics Committee of Shen Zheng University. Written informed consent to participate in this study was provided by the participants' legal guardian/adjacent of kin.
Author Contributions
EW and JZ designed the study and directed its implementation, did the literature search, and wrote the manuscript. EW, SP, and BZ reviewed the manuscript and revised information technology critically. All authors contributed to and have approved the final manuscript.
The study was sponsored past National Social Scientific discipline Foundation of China (Grant Number: 16CSH049); Shenzhen Bones Research Grant (Grant Number: 2019SHIBS0003); Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Inquiry Foundation (Grant Number: 2021A1515011330); and the Guangdong Teaching and Science Project of the 13th Five-Year Plan (Grant Number: 2018GXJK238).
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of whatsoever commercial or financial relationships that could exist construed equally a potential disharmonize of interest.
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